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by - August 21, 2018

We all know school is close so i wanted to prepare you a few post about that topic and decided to make BACK TO SCHOOL SERIES which will be consist of about 10 posts with a lot of tips and similar stuff to help you out! :) 

" I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are the best because they are beginnings. "
Jenny Han

Pick out an outfit 

      Picking your outfit the night before will give you more time to eat breakfast, do your makeup, hair or whatever you plan on doing that school morning! Sometimes i forget to do this the night before and i have to rush a lot because I'm really picky when it comes to choosing an outfit. :)
One of my next post will be outfit inspiration. :)

Skin care routine

   I'm sure we all want our skin to look poppin on that day. Put a face mask, or do your skin care routine, and don't forget to wash your face at least two times before you go to bed. Remove all the makeup from your face. Put your phone to charge and instead of scrolling down your instagram page try reading a book. :)


    I like to put out makeup products that i will use the next day because it saves a lot of time and i don't have to search for anything. It's good if you already know what kind of makeup look you will do every morning. In my opinion, natural makeup look is the best for school, but it's okay if you want to do something more, you do you girl! :)



   Sleep is one of the most important things when school starts, especially if your classes are in the morning. You must sleep at least eight hours every night. Sleep is very important for your mental health, concentration and productivity. :)

Waking up

  I like to wake up two hours before classes start so i don't have to rush. I have time to eat breakfast properly, it's the most important meal of the day after all! After i eat i have enough time to put outfit that i planned on and do my makeup without messing it up because i'm going to be late. If you go to sleep earlier it will be easier to wake up when you have to.


   When you finish your morning routine put on outfit which you chose the night before and, once again, make sure it is straightened and has no stains. After you finish putting it on do your makeup. You don't have to waste time by trying to find specific product because you set everything up the night before. Then it's time to do your hair. You can just brush it and will look good! When i'm in the mood and i have enough time i like to straighten my hair. After you are done with everything don't forget to put on some perfume! You will feel better knowing that you smell nice, and it also attracts people!

Pack and check

    If your first day is meant for writing down your class schedule you must pack notebook and pen. You can pack earphones ( i bring them literally everywhere ), gums, and everything you think you'll need. If you already have your schedule pack books and notebooks, don't leave out any of them just because your bag will be lighter, you'll need all of it. Although, i think it's better to pack books the night before in case you need to bring them on the first day. If you woke up two hours earlier you will have enough time to check if you packed everything you will need. 

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X

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  1. So smart to really plan ahead so you are totally prepared for the first day! And I really love that quote you posted at the beginning. It is so true!

    1. I plan almost everything and i love doing it! :)
      Thank you so much! ♥

  2. I'm so happy the days of going to school are way behind me. I remember I was never able to fall asleep the night before school started.


  3. Odličan post! Ja sam školu završla, ali dok sam išla uvek sam se radovala prvom septembru.

  4. Super post! Poznata mi je ta euforija i uzbudenje zbog prvog dana skole,biranje outfita,sminka...


  5. Nice post.
    I wish you well in this coming school year.


  6. Jako lijepo napisan post
    Ako zelim mozes se pretplatiti na moj kanal http://lauralifestyle1.blogspot.com/?m=1

  7. I sama se pridržavam napisanih saveta, uvek se ranije spakujem i volim da ujutru ne jurcam i ne kasnim. Radujem se novim temama iz ovog serijala. :)

    Novi post, rubrika Belgrade Places | Instagram

  8. Zanimljiv post. Ja sam školu odavno završila ali slažem se sa tobom. :)
    Pogledaj moj novi post

  9. Reading this post, I missed my school days.


  10. " I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are the best because they are beginnings. " Baš tako. Baš sam pre nekoliko dana tražila na internetu neku ideju, organizaciju za poslednji dan raspusta i nisam našla ništa zanimljivo, ovaj post je baš koristan!

    Novi post Milicaimp.blogspot.rs

    1. Hvala ti puno, drago mi je da mozes iskorstiti moj post!♥

  11. I love to plan out everything the night before, and well, the first day kind of sets the tone for everything, so I guess I'll start on the right foot. Lovely post my dear x)

    A free soul.

  12. Odličan post i savjeti,s obzirom na to da sam od septembra u prvi srednje,jako će mi koristiti.:)

    sweet-dreams-14.blogspot.com - novi post

  13. Uuuuh, ovo mi je definitivno trebalo. Iskreno, ne osjećam se uopšte spremno za početak gimnazije i srednje muzičke škole, tako da počinjem sa psihičkim pripremama haha. :D Stvarno odličan post, definitivno će nam svima pomoći. ♥♥

    1. U potpunosti te shvatam, draga Amina! :') Hvala ti. ♥

  14. Odličan post i jako zanimljivi i korisni savjeti :) Uvijek se držim pravila zato da mi bude lakše dok traje škola. Uvijek prije spavanja pripremim odjeću za ujutro da ne moram u 6 ujutro tražiti po ormaru što ću obući :) Svaka čast draga na savjetima.

    Novi post!
